Sunday, March 12, 2006


I just learnt all about Ayurveda and which type of 'dosha' I am...hehe!!! Whatever that actually means... here it is...(guidelines to live by I think...Mmmm maybe not!!)

Well Just For Fun Anyways...

'Eat cooked vegetables, which are rich in "prana" (life force) and don't require as much "agni" (digestive effort) as raw vegetables do. Stick to warm, well-cooked foods with sweet, sour, or salty flavors--raw, bitter, and spicy foods require too much detoxification and metabolic activity in the vata body and can aggravate an already-disturbed balance. Try small amounts of protein like beef or chicken, and sweet fruits and vegetables like beets, oranges, avocados, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. Warm beverages, like tea, are also good for you. You feel calmer and more grounded. Even when you're feeling worried or stressed, you won't toss and turn before falling asleep. Your skin will feel softer, and your thoughts will slow down, allowing you to focus. You'll feel warmer all over--even in your hands and feet. Overall, you'll have a greater sense of harmony in all aspects of your life, which will boost your creativity and energy.'

Coolness huh?!?!

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