Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spring Awakening

I suspect I may be a little late for spring 2010 - but frankly who in dreary London would even know it was supposed to be summer; please do put your hat back on Mr Sun! Finally I have sprung forth from my cocoon of networking-naivety.

Yes, I am charging full-steam ahead –or rather doggedly chugging away, determined to keep up - with twitter, linkedin and my ancient, retired blog that never really got the love and devotion it deserved from the get-go. With a little helpful tutelage I have blossomed as a beautifully fearless socially-blogging-butterfly.

Fearless, perhaps and wouldn’t I just love to say that I can confidently navigate the mind-boggling-maze that is blogging - to post links from facebook and twitter to my blog and back again – but I am going to have to take this slowly – step by step, day by day. Whatever it takes this strange defective blogger will morph into a blogging aficionado before your very eyes. And to prove it, as of today I can also announce myself as fully html-literate (whatever that might mean – I was instructed to write ‘html authoring’ on my CV, hopefully this will mean something to someone, somewhere!)

Fingers-crossed, here goes as I take the plunge…


1 comment:

JaneC said...

You make bringing home the cheese much more fun than "bringing home the bacon". I will try your recipes!